What are the experiences of young women following breast cancer treatment.

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    Time remaining: 1 days 14 hours 41 minutes
    Deadline: July 10 23:42
    Order total: $37.24
    Compensation $1.96 / Page
    Pages: 19, Double spaced
    Sources: 65

    Order type: Dissertation Chapter – Literature Review
    Subject: Nursing
    Academic level: Not specified
    Style: Harvard
    Language: English (U.K.)
    $3.50 Place bid Hide order
    Order Description

    All the requirements will be uploaded.
    It will include a copy of the module handbook which sets out how the dissertation should be written.

    It will outline the structure of the dissertation (from pages 19 in the handbook), introduction, method, literature review, (appraisal of the papers) (the literature review must include 10 primary research articles), discussion and conclusion. A table also needs to be completed with the 10 articles (I will upload a template). Could you also send me a link or reference of the articles that you use in order for me to have a copy to give to my lecturer and to have for my personal reference.

    The marking criteria is also included in the handbook, so you will be able to see what they’re expectations are. This includes how they want the work to be presented, please could you focus on ‘body of dissertation’ ‘referencing’ (Harvard reference style) ‘appendices’ (more details about this on page 24).

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