What are the eight stages of mitosis?

    Interphase (##G1## ##S## ##G2##) Prophase Metaphse Anaphase Telophase and Cytokinesis
    There are three phases:
    1. ##G1## (Gap 1) phase. Cell synthesizes mRNA and proteins in preparation for division. Sometimes a cell can enter ##G_0## this phase is known as apoptosis programmed cell death. If there is a mutation or defect recognized the cell will not divide and die.
    2. ##S## (Synthesis) phase. DNA is duplicated.
    3. ##G2## (Gap 2) phase. Cell continues to grow in preparation for mitosis
    4. Prophase –Chromatin condenses into chromosomes and centrioles move to opposite sides of cell.
    5. Metaphase (sometimes further divided into Prometaphase and Metaphase)–nuclear membrane finishes dissolving. Chromosomes line up at middle of cell and microtubules attach at kinetochores.
    6. Anaphase –Chromosomes separate at kinetochores; one of each pair moves to either side of cell.
    7. Telophase –Chromosomes reach opposite sides of cell and new nuclear membranes begin to form around them.
    8. Cytokinesis –A cleavage furrow forms between the cell splitting it apart into two daughter cells.

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