What are some of the problems Kearney identifies in 1877 California?

    What are some of the problems Kearney identifies in 1877 California?

    What issues does he say people are worried about?
    Who does he blame for causing those problems?
    Do you think there’s any truth to his arguments? Why or why not?
    Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ouWpfJv18k
    Answer following questions:
    After watching the documentary on the Berkeley student protests, think for a moment about protests more generally. What sort of tactics and strategies did the students there use to gain attention for their cause? Where did they learn how to protest, and which strategies to use?
    Do you think the students had a valid complaint against UC Berkeley? Should students and/or the University have handled things differently? Why or why not?
    Article Photos: I will provide the article photo copy asap when I assign the writer (five pages reading)
    Answer following questions:
    Compare and contrast where these two men stand on unions in California agriculture. Who is each man?
    According to Stoker, why should unions should be allowed?
    According to Taylor, why should unions not be allowed?
    Who do you think makes a better case? Why?





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