What are some best practices in diversity management in organizations today?

    For this assignment I simply want you to write down your journey line in life.
    • What defines you? What makes you different, unique, or diverse?
    • What events/people/places have contributed to who you are today? Why?
    • Why are you who you are? Why are others not like you?
    • How do you see yourself?

    Media Analysis

    For this assignment I want you to refer to a television show or series you currently, or have previously, watched. This assignment works best for a current series you are watching during the semester. Please read the following questions below, then watch several episodes, and then answer these questions. You could also watch a single movie for this assignment.

    • What audience do you think this program targets? Why?
    o Do the commercials give any hints to target audience? (assuming you watch the commercials)
    o Why is this target audience likely watching this show?
    • Are there any cultural/racial/ethnic/gender/age/sexual orientation/religious/social class stereotypes and/or messages being communicated and/or perpetuated in this television series? (bear in mind they may be implicitly communicated)
    o If so, what are they?
    ? List them all
    o Are these stereotypes accurate? If yes, why? If not, why not?
    o Where did these stereotypes come from? (historically)
    o What are some of the positive and negative stereotypes of this “group” of people?
    • Were you consciously aware that these stereotypes existed prior to this assignment?
    • Does this assignment change how you feel about this show? (The answer “no” is perfectly fine)
    • Why do you think media (generally) uses cultural/racial/ethnic/gender/age/sexual orientation/religious/social class stereotypes on television?
    • What are the long term implications of these stereotypes?
    • Do you fit into any of these stereotypes?

    Diversity Statement Analysis (due November 20th)

    For this assignment I want you to find an example of a corporate diversity statement from an organization. The web is an obvious resource for this assignment. Then write up an analysis answering the following core questions…

    • What is the company (what do they do, what industry are they in, etc) and what is its diversity statement?
    • Why is this diversity statement an example of a good or bad statement?
    • What do you like/dislike about their diversity statement?
    • Why did the corporation create a diversity statement? Why does it care?
    • Is there anything unique about their statement?
    • How do you think the company operationalizes this statement into daily practice?
    • What could be added to their diversity statement to make it better?

    After answering those questions, you could also answer several of the following if you want…

    • How does this company’s diversity statement compare to other company statements in their industry?
    • What does this diversity statement tell you about the organization?
    • Do you think the company actually believes and follows what it states in their diversity statement?

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