What are Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and why are they important in today’s global markets

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    1.      What are Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and why are they important in today’s global markets? Briefly compare and contrast the mercantilist, liberal, and structuralist views on IPRs.

    2.      What four trends have become apparent over the last 20 years regarding the role of knowledge and technology in IPE? Explain.

    3.      Compare and contrast the economic and political reforms in Russia and China. Are there any general lessons to be derived from this experience? Explain.

    4.      How would liberals, mercantilists, and structuralists explain the recent shift in migration patterns for development and its potential impact on the global economy?

    B.     Essay – everyone must answer this question – 25 points

    1.      How are China and India’s reform experiences different from those of Russia and Brazil? Focus on differences between the ends and means of development in these societies. For example, China aims to reform its market without a radical alteration in its political system. Is it possible to so dramatically change the market without changing the state in these societies? Explain.

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