What are centrioles centrosomes and basal body in microfilaments? 1

    There are terms that are confused : Centrioles Centrosome Centromere Cilia Microfilament
    Centrioles are formed of nine triplets of microtubules and 1 centriole move to each pole of cell where it is attached to microtubules that pull on chromosomes to separate them so that half of the chromosome move to each pole of cell.
    Centrosome : is 2 centrioles that lie prependicular to each other before cell division and found near the nucleus.
    Centromere : is the a region in the chromosome that separtes it into short P arm and long q arm
    Cilia : mobile structure formed from base and body the base has a structure that is very similar to centriole they are necessary for air ways where they drag the foriegn material out of respiratory system.
    Microfilament : they are part of the not mobile like cilia but have growing polarizing end and depolarizing end they are formed of double helix that is formed from globular protein called globular actin a type of microfilament is Actin filaments needed for contraction of muscle cell

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