Western European Baroque Era: Verisimilitude in Art Custom Essay

    Western European Baroque Era: Verisimilitude in Art. Verisimilitude, or the art of truthful appearances, was an important facet of Baroque art. Artists, such as Caravaggio and Bernini, intended their works to reflect the details of the visual world and life in general with mirror-like precision. The illusions of motion, feeling, drama, and time are all presented to influence viewers to react as if what they encountered is natural, real and alive. Your task is to write an essay where you act as an artistic philosopher and critic. In your analysis, include a comparison utilizing one or more baroque works of art to modern-day movies or television programs that also share the same focus on verisimilitude. In your own words, identify and explain how the task of recreating reality is accomplished, defending your personal position with plenty of concrete examples. Be sure to explain which characteristics of the modern-day works are similar to the Baroque era and which ones are not. Ultimately, conclude your essay with by defending whether or not there verisimilitude is a pressing need in the modern-day.

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