Welcome to the World of Sony

    Case Analysis: Welcome to the World of Sony

    Prepare a 3-5 page case analysis for the chapter 10 final case: Welcome to the World of Sony – Unless the Yen Keeps Rising. The case analysis includes:
    a. A summary of the salient points of the case.
    b. Answers to the discussion questions at the end of the case:
    1. Why did the contraction of the U.S. and Japanese economies and the rise in the value of the yen hurt Sony’s exports from Japan?
    2. In what other ways has the strong yen affected Sony’s bottom line? What would be the effect of a weak yen?
    3. Given the instability in the currency markets, why do you think it is important for Sony to manufacture more products in the United States and Europe and to also buy more from suppliers in other countries in Asia?
    4. What are the major forces that affected the Japanese yen prior to the global financial crisis in the fourth quarter of 2008? What has had the greatest impact on the yen since then, and where do you forecast the future value of the yen?

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