Weekly tasks or assignments

    Deliverable Length: 800-1,200 words
    Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. All submissions require references.
    Assignment form to use for this Individual Project in Reading Assignment section of this Phase.

    You have the chance of being employed in a management role in a major corporation—select one and review the general information about the corporation.  You have made it through a series of interviews and now it is down to you and one other candidate. In order for Senior Management to make the final determination both candidates have been given the following task.

    Prepare a report on a corporation of your choice. The report should have three clearly identified sections

    Part 1:

    Comment on at least THREE of the issues listed below:

    • The founders of the corporation and whether they would be classed as Entrepreneurs
    • How the business is structured
    • The leadership style
    • The management decision making approach
    • The impact of technology on the company
    • Any Corporate Social Responsibility activities
    • The marketing approach

    Part 2:

    • Comment on what impact economic cycles have had on the corporation.

    Part 3:

    • Comment on whether the Pension Fund you would be joining if you are given the position should consider investing in the corporation you have analyzed.


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