

    By the end of this week, you should be able to:

    · Articulate the difference between quality dimensions and usability evaluation through your research papers.

    · Discuss inspection methods and how they impact usability studies.


    · Hartson, R. (2003). Cognitive, physical, sensory, and functional affordances in interaction design. Behaviour & information technology, 22(5), 315-338. ()

    · Fallman, D. (2008). The interaction design research triangle of design practice, design studies, and design exploration. Design Issues, 24(3), 4-18. ()

    · Norman, D. (2019). Norman's Three Levels of Design | Interaction Design, from 

    Research Paper

    A usability evaluation examines the way users interact with products and services in order to achieve a goal. Often times, there are measures that are tied to those goals that are quantified. Academic literature has a robust catalog of research on studies that examine various perspectives that explore user attitudes and experiences. Such attitudes and experiences include:

    Service Quality (Group 5, 6)

    Remember, usability is not one-dimensional. It is a complex system of properties. Usability integrates many factors. It is subjective from user to user. And in this assignment, you will unravel each of the quality dimensions or how satisfaction ties back to a usability evaluation.

    For this assignment, as a team, you are asked to explore the topic assigned to your group. You are to conduct an analytical research review of the assigned usability category/dimension above. Within each quality dimension or satisfaction measure, there are sub-measures! Explore them and better understand how they are important to usability evaluation.

    Each group will write a paper that covers the following:


    Title Page


    Literature Review of Concept

    Make Recommendations of Additional Ideas For Future Literature Review Consideration


    The paper should be a minimum of 8 pages content. This does not include the cover page, abstract, citations, and references. You must use APA format throughout the entire paper.

    Grade Rubric

    Technical Merit – 160 (53.33333%)

    You explained the topic thoroughly by providing greater than 5 examples across 10 or more scholarly sources.

    Business Merit – 50 (16.66666%)

    You provide a minimum of five practical exemplars from literature to validate your topic in the form of research studies conducted using this topic. You present the results and explain the outcomes clearly and succinctly.

    Grammar/Spelling – 40 (13.33333%)

    Your paper does not contain any grammar or spelling errors.

    APA – 30 (10.00%)

    You provide a minimum of 10 quality academic peer reviewed journal sources (not blogs, wikis, or online websites) as evidence to support your topic. Your presentation of the content in APA is also accurate with less than 3 errors.

    Organization – 20 (6.66666%)

    Your organization fully meets the organizational structure as outlined in the assignment and is consistent with an academic literature review.

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