
    First assignment: 2 peer reviewed artciles within the last 5 years

    Corresponding to legislators is an important way to advocate for patients and the nursing profession. Provide a formal letter to the legislator in your district related to a controversial health topic

    · the letter should support the specific position or recommended approach to solving the identified problem

    Second assignment: Discussion

    2 peer reviewed artciles within the last 5 years

    As nurse leaders, it is necessary to know current issues. Nurses must participate in the policy process and advocate for the nursing profession at the institutional, local, and state levels. The following criteria should be included in this weeks’ post:

    · Discuss the purpose and goals of the Florida Action Coalition.

    · Identify two issues and/or challenges facing nursing over the next 10 years with a context of the problem.

    · Explain how can the nurse become involved in policy and advocacy at the institutional, local, and state levels – be specific.

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