
    Week 6 annotated bibliography (Due in 24 hours)/Week 6 annotated bibliography (Due in 1 day).docx

    100% Original Work only (Urgent)

    4-5 Pages Required

    Plz read MY Notes and Important tips

    ->Each Annotated Bibliography hv 3 Paragraph Summary, Analysis & Application

    Selected research topic: Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices

    Assignment: 4-5 Pages Required

    All Participants should post an annotated bibliography of at least five additional resources related to the research topic by Day 7 of Week 6.

    Avittathur, B., & Jayaram, J. (2016). Supply chain management in emerging economies. Decision, 43(2), 117–124.

    Lewis, B. M., Erera, A. L., Nowak, M. A., & Chelsea C III, W. (2013). Managing inventory in global supply chains facing port-of-entry disruption risks. Transportation Science, 47, 162–180.

    Maryniak, A. (2017). Competitive instruments preferred by customers versus the level of pro-environmental activities in a supply chain. LogForum, 13(2), 159–169.

    Moosmayer, D. C., & Davis, S. M. (2016). Staking cosmopolitan claims: How firms and NGOs talk about supply chain responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 135(3), 403–417.

    Wang, C., Zhang, Q., & Zhang, W. (2020). Corporate social responsibility, green supply chain management and firm performance: The moderating role of big-data analytics capability. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 37, 100557.

    MY Notes:

    Must be use above 5 resources for annotated bibliography

    Important tips: Include each Article annotated bibliography summary, Analysis and applies to the study

    Walden's recommendations for formatting an AB includes three areas, typically formatted in three paragraphs: 

    Summary: What did the author do? Why? What did he/she find?

    Analysis: Was the author’s method sound? What information was missing? Is this a scholarly source?

    Application: Does this article apply to the literature? How would you be able to apply this method/study to your particular study? Is the article universal?

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