Week 4 post 3 1

    Please review post 150 words minimum
    Organizational conflicts are disputes or disagreements within an organization.Those conflicts can be either positive or negative outcomes depending on the level of communication and open-mindedness to working towards an agreement. There are a variety of reasons for conflict within a workplace. Many different personalities are working together that may not always see eye to eye. It could be employees being disgruntled about pay raises that don’t happen change in the way companies do business or different generations that are at different maturity levels in how they work. An example in my work environmentis many times a test or a particular medication is needed for a patient but because insurances want to rule what is needed and not needed my first role is to the patient and my code of ethics togive the best care I can to my patient regardless of insurance rules. My supervisor however in charge of billing and what the office gets paid tells me that this can’t be done. The doctor knows it needs done I do also but her priority is the profit and loss margin. While I understand her duties it angers me to know that her duties directly interfere with my code I vowed to uphold. Instead we are forced to do minimal tests to rule out other possibilities before even attempting anything. Sometimes she is angry and vice versa and lots of times we avoid each other like the plaque. By the end of the day though we resolve to work situation out with either a win win situation or a compromise. Key is we communicate in a way that I can at least understand her point while sometimes she can see my point. Both our jobs are related to patient care and sometimes intertwined just at different areas. I try to never retaliate against her and she has the same respect for me just doesn’t always show in heat of moment.

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