Week 4 14

    Resources:The Art and Science of LeadershipCh. 6 andManagement Roles: Leading video
    Your company’s Vice President of Human Resources has approached your team for assistance in recruiting and developing your organization’s future leaders. 60% of your company consists of millennials and your team has been charged with how to successfully increase the number of millennials as leaders in your organization. At this time senior management is reluctant and disinterested in promoting the millennials to leadership roles. Your team created your plan in Week 2 -Part I of this assignment. Now you are expected to develop a presentation for your senior leadership that will motivate them to encourage millennials as leaders in your organization.
    Re-examineyour plan from Part 1 as a team.
    Createa 10- to 15-slide MicrosoftPowerPointpresentation with speaker notes that contains the following components:
    Citea minimum of three peer reviewed sources not including your text.
    Formatyour assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
    Clickthe Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment

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