Week 2 Written Assignment – Organizational Behavior

    Read the Rough Seas on The LINK650 case study at the end of Chapter 4 of our text.
    Answer the following questions in a 3-4 page (not counting cover page and references) APA formatted document. Apply critical thinking skills when answering the questions.
    As we move into our second week we will begin to examine the individual’s self-concept or sometimes described as how we perceive ourselves. Understanding this concept is a fundamental skill for managers. How we evaluate ourselves will have a direct impact on the environment. Self-concept has several fundamental key components. Learning these concepts will be fundamental to appreciating the interlink between the individual and the organization.
    One thing to remember when dealing with self concept or any issue within organizations perception is reality! This concept will be explored in the context of the individual (ourselves). How we take environmental stimuli and transform into information will be the premise of our thoughts and beliefs. We will also look at bias due to specific perceptions. This will include why individuals tend to apply stereotyping to thought processes and understanding of the environment.
    Another important concept we will cover is how emotions are drivers to performance and communication. While we have observed and experienced emotions this week we will begin our study of emotions attitudes and behaviors within the context of OB. We will also look at how to use this knowledge to create a positive work environment.
    After completing the activities in this week the learner will be able to:
    McShane S.L. & Von Glinow M.A. (2015). Organizational behavior: Emerging knowledge global reality (7th eds.). New York: McGraw-Hill.Chapter 4 – Workplace emotions attitudes and stress (pp. 92-121)
    Week 2 Websites and Articles

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