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The first major impact that email has had with communication is the ability to have that message sent instantly instead of waiting on the delivery of traditional mail via postal service.This enables the sender and receiver to get answers needed quickly or instructions. Whatever the case may be no longer does a person have to wait days for responses and information. The advantage also is being able to access that email on the go whereveryou may be be it at home at the office and even on the go now. The bad impact sadly though of email is people are more prone to misrepresent information lie or say things they normally wouldn’t say in person. Interestingly enough I learned something new that there is software out there that can detect moods in emails! Who knew!
Advantages to email is with all the different nationalities and languages you can send an email in your native language to someone who doesn’t understand that and it can be translated. A simple push of the button makes communication much faster when trying to get information to all the appropriate management in a timely manner. Disadvantages is employees are more prone to being non cooperativevia email than if those same instructions were given verbally. A person is more likely to lie in emails when the need arises than if in person.
In the videos I really understand the problem of just keeping an email going when not necessary. When asked something one way is to answer the question if requires a response and end with having a nice day. If a response is given back in reply then leave it at that no need to go further with conversation. Also sending emails late at night holidays or weekends can be drafted and saved until working hours. I also agree that an email should never be sent in anger as it leaves you wide open to say words that shouldn’t be said and causing work issues when confronted personally. Wait until you are calm and thinking rational so that you can respond or send an email as if you were in person.