Week 1 Discussion – Organizational Behavior – Student Discussion Reaponse

    Exactly why is organizational behavior important to the firm?
    Organizational Behavior (OB) is intrinsic of the success of a firm or organization. From employee interaction on individual levels team levels and from top-management down OB works to define analyze and improve how the firm may operate most efficiently. Firms with evolved OB have sort of a map in which the organization can interpret to provide an efficient innovative quality business or service in its environment for the firm. The study of OB it is not only to learn but to unlearn non-working practices and innovative change to align the firm on its organizational track. OB builds better relationships by interpreting human objectives organizational objectives and social objectives for stakeholders. OB relies on scientific non-biased behavior and seeks to improve overall organization and practices for common goals of the firm.
    How does globalization impact OB structure and practices?
    Globalization has created the need for structured OB. In my assessment I work for a global corporation with over 180000 employees. OB is evident at this organization from the top-down. I have conference calls with individuals on the other side of the globe regularly. The corporations board of directors is of various inter-nationalities diversity in the workplace is highlighted a mentorship program is hosted knowledge portals exist and there is a social-media type of work platform that is company-based where individuals from different offices can collaborate post questions etc. in a non-formal manner. This company is environmentally focused and continually delivers across boundaries while creating value for both stock holders stakeholders and the communities in which the firm operates. Globalization is now well entrenched so the most important issue for OB is how corporate leaders and employees alike can lead and work effectively in this emerging reality. (McShane S. L. & Von Glinow M. p. 18 paragraph 2.)
    Why do individual values drive organization effectiveness?
    Individual values drive organizational effectiveness because individuals are the core units of an organization. How these individuals collaborate learn fit with their environment and perform to satisfy stakeholders may also be viewed as a yardstick to measure organizational effectiveness. Per McShane S.L. & Von Gilnow M. p. 18 paragraph 3 an organizations subsystems are organized interdependently so they interact with each other to transform inputs into various outputs.
    Who should own the OB function within an organization?
    Everybody! From employees that create teams departments work groups and organizational levels to managers and top leadership.
    Review the gaps you see within your organization that may be driven by poor OB practices.
    Globalization may create a sense of reduced job security and work intensification. The large global corporation I am employed by is active in many OB practices reaching down to individual levels. In addition to what was earlier mentioned they also host performance rewards and encourage employee development. At an individual level I see that many older age groups complain about job security and do not look to take advantage of the vast self development the company offers. A connotation of well its a global company; they dont care about the individual can be felt. The company does not make it mandatory to participate in their surveys that are frequently sent and may not be receiving this feedback. Many do embrace the company initiatives of self-development the company social platform and expanded work opportunity. At the individual level is where I see a gap in poor OB attributed to a multigenerational workforce. At the same time I have worked for this company for 12 years and as the company gets larger and acquires other companies and becomes more global I also see how paid time off retirement accounts sick leave and other benefits have been reduced or eliminated.
    McShane S. L. & Von Glinow M. (2015). Organizational Behavior (7th ed.). New York NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

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