1.6)Visit the following website: 1. The earth’s Atmosphere 2. Vertical structure of the Atmosphere 3. Atmospheric structureChoose the one that you think is the best, based on information included and clarity of ideas. Write a paragraph describing it (this is called an annotation). Cite the reasons that the site seems credible (is the information accurate, has it been and will be kept up-to-date, who is the sponsor of the site?) and why you like it.Paragraph Template: Name of website:URL:One paragraph annotation including:1. General description of site2.

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    1.6)Visit the following website: 1. The earth’s Atmosphere 2. Vertical structure of the Atmosphere 3. Atmospheric structureChoose the one that you think is the best, based on information included and clarity of ideas. Write a paragraph describing it (this is called an annotation). Cite the reasons that the site seems credible (is the information accurate, has it been and will be kept up-to-date, who is the sponsor of the site?) and why you like it.Paragraph Template: Name of website:URL:One paragraph annotation including:1. General description of site2. Credibility of site includingAuthor and/or sponsor of siteCurrency of informationAccuracy of information3. Why you think it is the best site4. What you did not like about the site.1.7) Erupting volcanoes can send tons of particles into the atmosphere, along with vast amount of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. They can continue to occur and outgas these gases into the atmosphere. Discuss whether or not you believe that erupting volcanoes will be a significant factor in increasing concentrations of these gases over the next 50 years. Why or Why not.2.1) some old buildings are warmed by radiators. One of the latest trends in residential heating is radiant heat supplied by hot water running through tubing in floors. Do you believe this is truly an accurate descriptor of how rooms in those building are actually warmed?2.2) The sun is directly overhead at the equator at the vernal equinox and over the next 92 days (from march 20 through June 21 at the summer solstice), the sun’s most direct ray will progress northward in the Northern Hemisphere to the Tropical of cancer (23.5 degree latitude) How many degree of latitude does the sun’s most direct ray (this means the sun is directly overhead) travel per day?


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