Weapons Proliferation and Conflict

    Weapons Proliferation and Conflict
    The essay should realted to”Introducing Global Issues” 5th edition or the power point I’ll attache
    News Summary/Analysis: All students must follow current, international news events as reported in media sources. There is a different topic for each module. Essentially, you are looking for a real world example/case study of the module topic. All students will turn-in under Assignments a two paragraph summary and analysis of a selected current event for each module by the due date. The first paragraph should be a brief summary of the article. The second paragraph should be an analysis that demonstrates you have read and understand the article. That is, the first paragraph shows me that you read the article. The second paragraph shows me that you thought about it.
    Only legitimate news organization websites may be used as sources. A list of recommended media sources is attached below.

    Recommended International News Sources on the Internet

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    NY Times http://www.nytimes.com

    BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/index.shtml

    CNN http://www.cnn.com/world/

    Al-Jazeera http://english.aljazeera.net/

    please use one of these recommended International News Sources on the Internet .

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