We Have Never Been Modern, Bruno Latour

    We Have Never Been Modern, Bruno Latour

    Book: Contemporary Sociological Theory, 3rd Edition by Craig Calhoun (Editor), Joseph Gerteis (Editor), James Moody (Editor), Steven Pfaff (Editor), Indermohan Virk (Editor) January 2012,

    Topic: Beyond Modernity? We Have Never Been Modern by Bruno Latour

    Text to read and analyse: Bruno Latour, We have never been modern, page 546-559 from book

    What to do: – Show how this social theory (presented in the chapter) has evolved out of philosophical traditions.
    – Think historically, systematically and critically.
    – Discuss main ideas of the text and include main concepts
    – Be detailed and precise
    – Make sure this paper gets me AT LEAST a B+ LAST paragraph must contain the COMPARISON of the ideas, and aspects of the ideas of the piece being summarized, with the ideas drawn from Pierre Bourdieu, Alfred Schutlz, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, or Emile Durkheim.
    – Show that you understand the author (Bruno Latour).
    -add two questions related to topic for discussion and a two sentence answer for each
    – Remeber: last paragraph of essay must compare and contrast ideas/theory from other sociologis and gets me a good grade
    Thank you





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