Watch the film Invictus (2009).

      Watch the film Invictus (2009). Using class lectures, textbook readings and online assignments, apply examples from the film Invictus to the 3 questions presented below: 

     1.Examine Nelson Mandela’s leadership in relation to the leadership material discussed in the textbook, class lectures and online assignments 

     2.Compare Nelson Mandela’s approach to change management with one of the change theories discussed in class, the textbook or online assignments 

     3.Based on Chapters 16 & 18 of the textbook and class lectures, examine how Nelson Mandela achieved results through communicating and motivating others 



    Students will be graded on spelling, grammar, integration of key course concepts, and

    thoroughness of responses to the questions posed in the case.

    Content (application of concepts) = 7/10

    Writing (spelling, grammar, syntax) = 3/10

    WRITING (Punctuation, Grammar & Usage, Spelling)

    1 (Poor/Unacceptable) = Errors are distracting and show a lack of understanding of

    sentence-level grammar or the basic conventions of edited American English.

    2 (Fair-Good) = Grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors exist, but the point of each

    sentence is clearly understood. Uses language concisely and eloquently. Flows well from

    one sentence to the next and reads well aloud. The few errors there do not get in the way

    of reading fluently.

    3 (Excellent) = Clearly written, well-organized, and free of grammar and other language

    use errors


    1 (Fail) = Does not incorporate theories from class and does not answer questions.

    2 (Poor) = Describes but does not analyze using concepts. Answered most questions but

    answers were based on their own opinions without reference to theories from the class.

    3 (Below Average) = Answers all the questions and mentioned theories, but did not

    adequately explain how they were relevant to the question.

    4 (Fair) = Answers all the questions and tries to integrate theory. Some details are there

    but are not complete, and may sometimes be inaccurate.

    5 (Good) = Answers all questions, uses theories appropriately, and explains how theory is

    relevant. Some details are there but are not complete, and may sometimes be inaccurate.

    Examples and illustrations are given but are not sufficient.

    6 (Very Good) = Completely and adequately answers all questions using appropriate

    theories and concepts from in-class lectures and from the text. Sufficient details and

    explanations are provided and examples are relevant. Understanding of theories is clearly


    7 (Excellent) = Goes over and above to cover the content required. Goes into accurate

    details about the theories and clearly connects them to the case questions. Points out

    things an average student may not even notice. Is articulate and convincing in arguing

    each point. Anyone reading this would be eager to hire this individual for a position in his

    or her organization.

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