
    PLEASE INCLUDE THE ARTICLE ATTACHED TO ANSWER THE QUESTION. PLEASE remember that the inclusion and proper referencing of class material is REQUIRED. If not included, or if indirectly/tacitly/assumingly presented you will lose a considerable amount of points for your report or you can forfeit your entire grade for the IR.


    For this second individual report you have the option of choosing which primary question and related to which of the two main topics to answer. Topic 1 will deal with a primary question related to the topic of “War.” Topic 2 will deal with a primary question related to the topic of “Terrorism.” Choose one topic.


    Topic 1 – War:


    Just War Theory:
    All of the major religious traditions contain teachings of war. Western views are influenced by Christian notions of “Just War” conceived nearly 2000 years ago by St. Augustine. According to general acceptable principles, “Just War” should be:
    – Based on clear legitimate or just aims.
    – Undertaken by a legitimate authority (i.e. a Nation State/recognized government).
    – Not undertaken out of hate, greed, or other base motives.
    – Prosecuted only as a last resort.
    – Likely to succeed in imposing justice and order.

    Answer these:
    1- Why do nations go to war?
    2- If “Just War” theory defines war as the absence of peace; can it be said that peace is the absence of war? Why?

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