Wal mart HR Planning

    Segment Two (100 points)
    On November 2nd., both a hard copy and a soft copy of your the completed paper are due. Make sure you include a list of all the sources of your information. You must use at least two sources in addition to the company’s web site which means the paper must reflect a minimum total of three references. The paper should be at least ten full pages and not longer than twenty pages long. Any direct quotes must be cited using standard APA format. Wikipedia will not be considered a valid information source.

    The paper must include once again a company overview which should contain a brief description of the company, the name of its CEO, its HQ location, how they are organized and a list of its major products and or services as well as any other descriptive information you think is appropriate to introduce the company. In addition you must provide detailed information about the companies’ Human Resources practices in the areas of (HR Planning )(not financial planning), Employee Performance Management, Employee Relations, Training and Development, Safety and Wellness, Employee Surveys and Internal Communications from HQ/HR to Employees. The paper, must include a comprehensive conclusion/summary of the team’s evaluation of the company to end the paper.

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