
    I need 3 paragraphs with a minimum of 300 words for each discussion which is a total of 6 paragraphs (600 words) for the part that requires paragraph. Please keep both separate and address each question. Add the references underneath each part instead of making a references page. Please make sure you check grammar and punctuation errors, as well as quoting and using in text citations. PLEASE make sure you cite the information, do NOT plagiarize and ADD all references. No Cover Page Needed PLEASE INBOX ME IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS or need reading material on the assignment. 

    Part 1 Ethical Leadership

    Read the article by Yukl, Mahsud, Hassan, & Prussia (2013), as well as Chapter 7 of Gonzalez-Padron (2015). Complete the Checklist: Ethical Leadership Questionnaire, then answer these following questions from the text:

    Describe the behaviors that are most important for you to feel trust in the ethical leadership of a supervisor, manager, or company executive?

    Describe  any descriptors in the list that are difficult to observe?

    Analyze how ethical leadership can be measured in an  organization?

    Evaluate how personal experience with a leader (e.g., work assignments, disciplinary actions) skew your assessment of his or her ethical leadership? Cite an example based on personal experience.

    Part 2 Recognizing and Identifying Ethical Leadership Failures

    Prior to beginning your discussion, read . After reading the article, give an example of one or more leadership failures that you are familiar with. You may use an organization, group, or political figure for your discussion.  Describe the failure(s) in detail. Analyze how the failure(s) could have been mitigated.

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