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    Once a breach has occurred its very important to know about it. Not only does a company need to know that it occurred but it also needs to know the scope of the damage. Was data stolen? Were files damaged? Was a back door installed that will facilitate future breaches? This is the forensic part of information security. Describe one of the topics from this week that you think would make a good episode of a crime drama like CSI. How would the main character go about solving the crime and identifying the perpetrator using the tools youve learned about? Have fun throwing in plot twists on your classmates posts.I totally love Juan’s post just putting that out there. I personally picture grissom working in a Text screen like DOS or unix and him typing away trying to track down the hacker. You would see computers screens flying around him and one attack after another being stopped. Its CSI they won’t need an IDS system they have all the greatest talents in the world where else can these crazy things be solved in one hour TV show. The reality of the situation is that your going to have an IDS system and depending on the type its going to be looking for things like traffic on your network that is out of what you have determined as out of the norm. Some of the IDS systems look at common virus signatures to detect things. It will take a dedicated team to ensure that these things are picked up and monitored. THen you will need to decide what action to take when it does find them or what to do if it does not. Nothing is going to be as easy as a CSI episode but in the real world Grissom and his team would be looking at the logs in the IDS system for things that where detected and then shutting down and isolating the problem if he did. He might not get a finger print per say but he might find a source IP for the attack and block that IP from future traffic.Referencehttps://www.lifewire.com/introduction-to-intrusion-detection-systems-ids-2486799

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