Vitamin B12 with Folate in Preventing Dementia in Older Adults

    Please follow detail instruction that I have scanned to this order (the detail instruction for assignment 4 and the grading rubric for the paper)
    Also if my topic title does not fit well with the research papers that I have provide feel free to change to something more fitting, but please remain in the same topic area (Nutrition)
    My paper will only used scholarly primary journal articles, please check that reference matches. Also if any of the references that I provide are not good or strong for this topic please use another one.

    There is 3 parts to my research paper
    objective: to develop critical thought processes in the area of human nutrition and food science, and reinforce scholarly research writing skills.

    4a) Term paper topic-1 page
    A stated important nutrition or food science problem or issue to be addressed in our research paper
    A tentative paper title and stated objective statement (i.e. – The purpose or objective of this paper is…), and brief summary of the proposed topic area
    A list of 4-6 references used to formulate your topic

    4b) outline of my research paper- 1 page
    A cover sheet per APA format
    An introductory paragraph identifying the topic area as well as the significance of the topic to the current understanding of human nutrition and or food science. The introductory paragraph should end with a clear and concise statement of the main purpose or objectives of the paper
    An outline (using correct outline format), which includes citations of the articles that will be used to support topic areas in each section (use appropriate in-text citation format)
    A reference list of articles you plan to use in APA format

    4c) Final draft of my research paper- 9 pages (including abstract)
    the final research paper will be about 8 pages double spaced pages of text; not including the cover sheet abstract, table of content figures, and references. The paper should be left justified and 12-point font.
    Contain at least 6 original research articles. Make sure to summarize the important aspects of the articles, including purpose, specific methods, subjects, results, authors’ findings and conclusions. Connect the research studies together in a way that reviews the research. Provide your own critical analysis of the studies. Be sure to cite references using APA format.

    Please review the additional info and research articles I have uploaded.

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