Visual Arts and Film Studies

    Visual Arts and Film Studies

    How does ‘Cuffed’ use Freudian’s trio of the id, ego and superego to subvert the genre of science fiction film and which films have used similar methods by using the unreliable narrator?


    1. Define science fiction
    * what are its conventions? Semiotics?
    * How does Cuffed fall into this category? How does it subvert it and through which means?
    2. Define The Freudian trio of the id, ego, super ego
    * How does Cuffed fit into this? Who is the id, ego and superego?
    * What is used to subvert the genre of science fiction?
    3. Method of unreliable narrator in Cuffed,compare and contrast between other films
    * How does the unreliable narrator subvert the genre of science fiction? Where are other similarities drawn?
    * Films to look at
    * The Day the Earth Stood Still
    * Fight Club (1999)
    * Forbidden Planet (1956)
    * Sphere (1998)
    * Battle Royal?
    * Frankenstein?
    * Invasion of the Body snatchters?
    * Alien trilogy
    4. What is the significance of the unreliable narrator in science fiction films and how can it be a representation of turbulent social and political turmoil of the present day?
    5. Conclusion


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