Visual Arts and Film Studies

    Visual Arts and Film Studies

    Comparative Response Essay 4


    The purpose and function of this assignment is to explore and compare two artworks that are representative of “Art as Community Voice.” Please choose two from the list below for discussion in this essay:
    •The Great Wall of Los Angeles, Baca & community, 1979 and continuing, p. 243
    •Fallen, Jane Hammond, 2004-ongoing. p. 109
    Write at least a paragraph about each artwork from the perspective of being the artwork, speaking of and for the particular community by which and for which it was created. Write in the first person as if you are the artwork, describing your background, your feelings, your symbolism, etc. by mentioning particular imagery in the work. Any factual information you can utilize in your description is encouraged, however, some of what you write will need to come from your personal interpretation and perspective on each work. In a final paragraph, try to bring out the differences or similarities between the two works you have chosen in terms of the basis for creation and intention of the artworks.

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