Video Game Console Industry in 2012

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    Read the case, “Video Game Console Industry in 2012” on page 602-612 and address the following questions:

    Consider an opportunity for a new video game company entering into the market, Provide the following analysis for the new company looking to compete:

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    1. Does the Video Game Console Industry have any opportunity for new entrants?
    2. Identify Video Game Console Industry performance surrounding these key issues:
      • Expansion Opportunities
      • Operating efficiency
      • Growth strategy
      • Customer retention
      • Cultural Considerations
      • Overall Sales
      • Competition
    3. Conduct additional research as necessary to provide the most up to date perspective on this case. Search for the following information:
      • Annual Report
      • SEC Form 10-K
      • Annual Shareholders Proxy Statement
      • Competitive/Industry Information
    4. Identify 3 to 4 key strategies that the new video game company should focus on? Provide examples to support each strategy.
    5. Would you invest in a new video game startup company entering under the identified market conditions? Please explain why or why not.
    6. Use the written case analysis format to present findings from the case analysis. The case analysis should :
      • Include the following 5 sections: I. Executive Summary, II. Statement of the Problem, III. Causes of the Problem, IV. Decision Criteria and Alternative Solutions, V. Recommended Solution, Implementation and Justification

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