veterinary computer software

    veterinary computer software


    Order Instructions:
    Name Three different brands of veterinary management software to Compare & contrast these brands and write a research paper including :
    1. Names of three brands of software and a brief description of each of them.

    2. Information about the companies who make the software

    3. Pros and cons of each software package, what does each program do or not do

    4. How are tech support issues handled

    5. Discuss what kind of contingency plan each company has to handle system failure/recovery

    6. Is installation of the server and other hardware provided

    7. Are updates to software automatic or do they need to be requested

    8. Include office functions like reminders accounting billing inventory control and so on

    9. Is the system able to import lab results directly from the laboratory into the medical record.

    The paper should be easy to read with appropriate font, double spacing correct spelling grammar and sentence and paragraph structure.

    Animal Intelligence… Cornerstone and DVmax are three brands commonly used in veterinary practice…

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