Values Morals and Citizenship – ‘The education system is de-humanizing society through its use of technology’

    some ideas –
    • We are dependent on technology systems for recording events of our daily lives – loose connection to ourselves – loose our inner selves
    • What is it to be human? Morals/values/citizenship
    • Form of self-death
    • To deprive interpersonal skills and human qualities such as individuality, compassion, self esteem, civility
    • Can this lead to violence, human rights violation, war crimes, genocide?
    • Makes us lazy – use it for everything
    • Do children/students use books anymore?
    • Dangers – communicators, namely writers, teachers, treating public, their students and consumers, as machines.
    • What would happen if we removed technology, would we be able to survive?
    • How can computers teach love, sympathy, respect and positive thinking ? this is the base of society?!? How can computers teach social values???
    • New York times article – average kid ages 8-18 spends 7 ½ hours a day using technology only 38 minutes of reading adds up to 75 hours per week.
    • Human mechanization – process by which people are treated mechanically – that is without giving thought to what is going inside them.

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