Utilization of Formal Services by Asian-Canadian Elderly

    Topic: Utilization of Formal Services by Asian-Canadian Elderly
    Order Description
    1.The essay involves a review and summary of pertinent literature on a focused topic in the
    field of Sociology of Aging/Social Gerontology. A review of literature is an integrative
    summary of the evidence for and against a particular theory, idea, or point of view. It may
    involve comparing and contrasting opposing views on the same topic. It may help to
    organize your essay around one or more questions. Posing a question sets up your paper
    to address one or more controversies. For instance: Do childless older adults experience
    disadvantages in terms of levels of social support? The paper should also suggest how
    future research could better our understanding of the social phenomenon under study. Do
    NOT write a position paper in which you selectively report the literature to support a view
    that you hold. For instance, do not create a paper that covers only literature on the
    benefits of physical activity for healthy aging without addressing sociological and/or social
    psychological issues of why some people engage in recommended levels of physical
    activity, while others do not. Integrate and critically evaluate the research literature in
    such a way that you end up with substantiated conclusions that are not obvious. Also, do
    NOT conduct your own interviews for this paper. I have provided a list of essay topics
    within the assignment in Canvas. If you select one, you do not require approval; however,
    if you select a topic outside of the list, you need to receive instructor approval.
    2.The essay requires a sociological or social-psychological perspective. In other words,
    relevant theoretical and conceptual material to these fields needs to be included in the
    paper, typically in a separate section before you introduce the review of research
    literature. For example, it is NOT appropriate to develop a paper solely on the
    physiological aspects of aging without a sociological perspective. The theoretical
    components incorporated into the essay should reflect the literature that you are
    covering. For example, in a paper on media stereotypes and the elderly, one might
    describe and apply labelling theory to the topic (this should go before the review of
    research studies), and then revisit the applicability of labelling theory to the area in light
    of research findings. A focus on gender differences in media stereotypes might also
    integrate a feminist perspective as well. Some papers will include more than one theory,
    but you should be guided by the literature you are covering coupled with knowledge
    accrued from the course. I would suggest not including more than three theories or
    3.The essay should be based on your reading of primary literature on your specific topic.
    Use mainly journal articles, specialized books, and monographs and reports, not general
    textbooks. Using journal articles is crucial in producing a good essay. As a rule of thumb, I
    expect a minimum of 10 journal articles to be integrated into the paper. It is
    preferable to weave information together, rather than summarize each article separately.
    Use few, if any, Internet references or media sources (newspapers, magazines, etc.),
    since these are unreliable sources, unless you access a peer-reviewed article directly from
    the Internet. Although the review of literature sections focus on published research
    findings, the integrative summary, critical assessment, and essay conclusions and future
    research afford ample opportunity for your ideas and thoughts.

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