Using appropriate literature and empirical sources and with reference to theory you are required to produce a conceptually underpinned essay that critically analyses form of collective action that has taken place ( e.g Strike/Work to rule etc) and include Custom Essay

    Using appropriate literature and empirical sources and with reference to theory you are required to produce a conceptually underpinned essay that

    critically analyses form of collective action that has taken place ( e.g Strike/Work to rule etc) and includes reference to the style and

    strategies of the key stakeholders involved. These key stakeholders will include the organisation�s management team, trade union(s) and/or other

    internal and external interest groups, for example ACAS.

    Drawing from your critical analysis a conclusion that clearly articulates the relative effectiveness of the action should be given.

    The choice of collective dispute which should be current (i.e. taken place within the last 2 years) and will be determined by the student.


    Critically evaluate varying theories and perspectives on employment relations.

    Examine the varying roles and functions of the different parties responsible for controlling and managing the employment relationship.

    Critically discuss the significance of organisational level employment relations processes that support organisational performance, including the

    design and implementation of policies and practices in the areas of: diversity management; employee communication, involvement and participation

    negotiation and bargaining; conflict resolution; and change management and management control.

    Evaluate the integration of employment relations processes and how they impact on policy, practice and organisational outcomes such as

    performance and employee engagement.


    The essay requires a critical examination of key concepts, practice and theory introduced in the module. Students will be expected to include

    relevant material from across the whole module in answering the question.

    No matter how big the dispute (which should be current) it is important to be specific in your evaluation. The first thing you must do is to

    break down the requirements of the question and then clearly plan the direction you intend to take in answering it. This provides you and the

    reader with a clear route map in following the thread of your evaluation.
    You should identify key areas of the topics covered in the module that relate to the dispute and while you cannot apply every topic it is

    important that you apply those which you consider are most relevant in relation to the dispute you have selected, for example management style,

    frame of reference etc. A key tip would be to review the course slides when planning as this will help you to decide the topics covered which are

    clearly relevant.
    Please also remember that you must demonstrate good links to relevant reading and application of relevant conceptual frameworks. Relevant reading

    including quality journal articles and texts noted in the module handbook.

    You must show evidence of reading beyond lecture notes, core texts and CIPD guides. Do not quote lecture slides or non academic sources such as

    wikipedia and other non academic internet resources.
    Finally it is important that you reference using Harvard refererncing style as this is an academic piece of work.

    In addressing this question you are required to first briefly set the context of the case study organisation which you have selected where this

    dispute is taking place with regard to for example its:

    � Size
    � Business
    � Location

    You should identify the key employee relations topic areas related to the dispute you wish to critically analyse. ( e.g. collective bargaining,

    third part intervention(if applicable), action taken, management style,TU tactics, employee voice ).
    Conceptual underpinning may be in the form of ER perspectives, power, control and conflict. These should be stated and link to your analysis.

    Critical Analysis (2200 words)

    This is the key part of the assignment and should provide a conceptually underpinned critical analysis of the topic areas identified.
    It is vital that you access contemporary articles to evidence your analysis and avoid describing the dispute. The focus should be on the actions,

    processes and style of the actors involved.

    Conclusion (300 words)

    From your analysis a brief conclusion should be drawn on the results of the action and the potential implications for employee relations for the

    organisation in the future.

    N.B: the dispute should be described in a single paragraph. provide a source of the dispute in the reference list.

    this essay should be properly referenced from the beginning to the end.

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