Use point-counterpoint court case comparison and conflicts pairing analysis in your response Custom Essay

    All point-counterpoint is comparing similar things and pointing out the differences and the strengths and weaknesses
    CONFLICT PAIRINGS are SIMPLY issues/debates/court cases/ideas which are in OPPOSITION to one another.

    Cite references as per APA guidelines

    Question set #5: Provide 275-words/ In hiring and employment law, what are "reasonable accommodations"? And how does this apply to armed guards and other security operators?
    Answer questions #5 based on information below.
    “Thus, in Welsh Manufacturing v. Pinkerton’s, Inc., 474 A.2d 436, 444 (1984) where the guard, Lawson deputed at Welsh was discovered to have conspired and participated in robbing the company of over $ 200,000 in gold, the Supreme Court of Rhode Island while affirming the lower’s court’s judgment against the guard’s employer, Pinkerton blamed Piketon’s hiring process, stating that ‘Lawson’s succumbing to temptation and his participation in the criminal thefts might be found…to be a reasonably foreseeable result of Pinkerton’s negligence in taking reasonable steps to assure its employee’s honesty, trustworthiness, and reliability”. Nemeth. C.P. (2005). Private Security and the Law. Burlington, MA: Elsevier Butterworth–Heinemann. Welsh Manufacturing v. Pinkerton’s, Inc., 474 A.2d 436.

    Question set #6: Provide 275-words/ What is the actual legal definition of a hostile workplace? what is the continuing violation/offense doctrine in this context?

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