Use case

    I have an assignment on Use case.
    please write the use case and follow the Tips from Tip1 to Tip12 on :
    the deadline is two days that would be on Sunday 2 / 10 / 2011
    So please let me know if you are able to do it.
    the assignment on attach file.

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    Software Engineering Assignments 1B Topic: Books&Magazines (B&M) is a bookshop chain that has now decided to have an online presence where people can buy books over the Internet. The company has written up what they see as the requirements of the software to support its online initiative. The details are given below under the title, “B&M Online: Anytime Anywhere”. It is not unusual for a client to provide requirements which are not structured well and have gaps in them. Normally, you would interact with the client to remove any ambiguities, inconsistencies, incompleteness etc. as part of the requirements capture and analysis process. Since B&M is a fictitious company, you are not able to contact them! Instead, for this assignment, you are allowed to make any reasonable assumptions of missing information based on your knowledge of online shops such as Clearly state any assumptions you make in your submission. B&M Online: Anytime Anywhere B&M sells books and magazines. Customers should be able to browse online catalogues in different sections such as fiction, biography, travel, business, technology etc. to find out details of the books and magazines that B&M sells. The details provided to the customer will include the title and price. For books, it will also include other information such as author and publisher. Books in non-fiction categories will include additional information on edition, whether recommended as a textbook etc. For magazines it will include periodicity (e.g. monthly or weekly). Customers can buy books online or in the case of magazines either purchase the current issue or buy a one year subscription. The Accounts Department of B&M will have a subscription database where they keep track of online subscriptions of magazines. Customers can also search
    Assessment for books or magazines based on search terms. The result of the search is the most relevant items in the catalogue that match the search terms. B&M also wants to run a book club…


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