Use and misuse

    One of the concepts you encountered in the readings this module was how to recognize the use and misuse of information presented in the form of percentages. In this discussion assignment, you will conduct an Internet search to find several examples of the use of percentages. These can be examples of percentages used in advertising claims, reported results from a study, or information shared by a government agency.

    In a minimum of 200 words, post to the Discussion Area your response to the following:

    Find an example of two of the following types of usage of percentages.

    Use of percentages as a fraction. Remember that this type will use the word of to imply multiplication. Explain whether this was an effective way to represent this information within the context of the example you found.

    Use of percentages to describe change. In the example you find, determine whether the reported percentage demonstrated absolute or relative change. Show your work. Explain whether this was an effective way to represent this information within the context of the example you found.

    Use of percentages for comparison. In the example you find, determine whether the reported percentage demonstrated absolute or relative change. Show your work. Explain whether this was an effective way to represent this information within the context of the example you found.

    Now, find an example of two of the following misuses of percentages.

    Use of a shifting reference value. In this situation, the base values are changing as differing values of percentages are applied as increases, decreases, or both. Percentage increases, decreases, or both do not have a cumulative effect. Be sure to demonstrate why your example fits this category.

    Use of percentage to represent less than nothing. Look for an example where you are seeing a reduction of some percentage greater than 100. Be sure to demonstrate why your example fits this category.

    Situation where the average percentage is reported. In general, you can not average percentages. The result isn’t representative of what actually has occurred in the situation in question. Be sure to demonstrate why your example fits this category.

    By Sunday, February 2, 2014, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. ThroughWednesday, February 5, 2014, review the postings of your peers and respond to at least two of them. Consider commenting on the following:

    Examine each example that the student provided. Did these examples sufficiently demonstrate the ways that percentages are used and misused? Explain.

    What have you learned regarding the necessity of carefully examining the percentages reported in advertising, news media, government reports, etc.?


    Discussion Grading Criteria

    Maximum Points

    Initial Discussion Response


    Discussion Participation


    Writing Craftsmanship and Ethical Scholarship



















    Initial Discussion Response *

    Initial response:

    Did not relate to the concepts or ideas presented in the discussion topic(s)

    Claims were not supported.






    Initial response:

    Lacked substance

    Was not original

    Relied on personal experience only to support ideas



    Initial response was:

    Original and accurate


    Demonstrated basic understanding of concepts

    Discussed key theories and concepts from the readings


    Initial response was:


    Original and accurate

    Substantive and

    Demonstrated advanced understanding of concepts  

    Compiled/synthesized theories and concepts drawn from a variety of sources to support statements and conclusions.

    Discussion Participation *


    Discussion Responses:

    Were off-topic or irrelevant to discussion.



    Discussion Responses:

    Contributed a few points of view but mostly repeats information posted by others.



    Discussion Responses:

    Contributed to the discussion offering points of view and/or opinions,

    Did not make clear connections between one or more points in the discussion.

    Discussion Responses:

    Offered points of view supported by research

    Asked challenging questions that promoted discussion

    Drew relationships between one or more points in the discussion.

    Writing Craftsmanship and Ethical Scholarship *


    Demonstrated little attempt to organize thoughts

    Writing was not clear, concise and formal.

    Writing contained numerous errors in spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure that severely interfered with readability and comprehension.

    Information from sources was not paraphrased and attribution of sources was lacking.


    Demonstrated some attempt to organize thoughts

    Writing was not clear, concise and/or formal.

    Errors in spelling and grammar somewhat interfered with readability and/or comprehension.

    Information from sources was paraphrased and cited, but major errors were present.  




    Wrote in a clear and organized manner

    Writing was not concise or formal in language.

    Writing followed conventions of spelling and grammar throughout.  Errors were infrequent and did not interfere with readability or comprehension.

    Information from sources was paraphrased and cited, but minor errors were present.  

    Wrote in a clear, concise, formal and organized manner.  

    Responses were error free.

    Information from sources was paraphrased appropriately and accurately cited.



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