Use an example from your life to explain one of the modern theoretical approaches (symbolic interactionism, functionalism, Marxism, feminism, or rational choice theory) presented in the first chapter of the book

    Essay Questions – Sociology 101 (PQ) – Spring 2014

    This take home exam consists of 2 essay questions. You need to answer the FIRST QUESTION and then choose ONE additional question to answer, using the following requirements:
    The length of each answer should be no shorter than 2 full pages and no longer than 5 full pages, meaning that you will hand in at least 4 full pages but no more than 10 pages in total.
      • Use Times Roman, 12 (or similar);
      • Double line spacing;
      • Standard margins (1 inch on top and bottom, 1.25 inches on left and right side);
      • Page numbers;
      • Staple your pages
      • Make sure your name is clearly stated on the first page.
      Write clearly and pay close attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, the structure of your answers (paragraphs), and accuracy in general. If you suspect your writing skills can be improved by a visit to the Writing Center, do not hesitate to make an appointment or to drop by the Center’s office, AC-1C18.
      The only book or source you need for this assignment is the textbook. You are not allowed to quote from Internet sources. If necessary, you are allowed to quote from the book. When you think a short citation from the book could strengthen your analysis, it is important to be accurate with the citation. In order to prevent plagiarism, whenever you use a theory, an idea, or data in general (including from graphs and tables) that are not yours, you need to give the correct source of your writings. For this assignment, make sure that at least 90% of each of your answers consists of your words and your analysis. Thus, NO excessive quoting and no excessive paraphrasing.
      Citation in text (APA style):
      Thrall (2000) writes that “television news was stuck with showing maps, graphic illustrations, and their own correspondents reporting from various locations far from the battlefield” (106).
      Please submit the answers to the two essay questions by uploading them as one file onto SafeAssign (in Blackboard) AND by handing me one hard copy on the due date. I cannot accept emailed copies of essays. The essays are due on Tuesday, April 29, at the beginning of class at 2PM.

      Please answer the first question:
      1.         Use an example from your life to explain one of the modern theoretical approaches (symbolic interactionism, functionalism, Marxism, feminism, or rational choice theory) presented in the first chapter of the book.
      And choose one additional question to answer.
      2.         Discuss how values and norms within a particular society or community might be contradictory (conflicting, different). Illustrate using an example from your own culture.
      3.         According to the textbook, “Democracy flourishes when social capital is strong.” Do you agree or disagree? Defend your position using sociological evidence cited in the textbook.
      4.         Who Rules America? is the title of a book in which William Domhoff applies and updates C. Wright
      Mills’s theory of the power elite. How would you respond to the question, “Who rules America?” Would you use democratic elitism, pluralism, or the power elite as your theoretical basis? Justify your choice by using concepts and terms in the textbook.
      5.         Compare and contrast market-oriented theory and state-centered theory on their positions regarding the role of governments in development. Use one or more countries to illustrate your answer.

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