urgent help needed 3

    The SEC report serves as an executive summary and should be no more than two-three pages in length single spaced with one inch margins on all sides.Use ‘headers’ for sections such as Introduction Inventory Internal control Accounts Receivable and Conclusions.You may have other sections as appropriate as well. Please double space between paragraphs. Make sure you finish the paper with astrong conclusion on why you like or dislike the company based on your findings and ratios that you compute.The paper is your opportunity to useaccounting terms and conceptsfrom our class and relate them to a company of interest to you.The paper is due in the 7th week and the presentation is due in the 6th week.
    Do not forget the bibliography all sources should be cited. Submit the paper as if the user is a CPA do not define terms.
    Take care to avoid academic dishonesty. Write your paper read it and edit. Use your own words. Explain the financial statements and other accounting related information. Use headings in your paper. APA style is required for citations and a reference list.
    Additional guidance for your paper and resources:

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