Unit 3: Country Analysis Presentation – China
Communicating findings and issues through presentations is an integral part of business. Collate your research from the country analysis application assignment into a group presentation. Elect a project manager, who will submit the presentation on behalf of the group. Include all group members' names in the presentation. All group members are required to present. Equal distribution of workload among group members is expected.
Presentation Formats
1. Base your presentation on .
2. Your presentation should discuss the following components
· Overview of the country under consideration must be given (geographic location, date of the independence, the capital city, current President or Premier Minister of the country, the total population, per capita population, the political ideology etc.)
· Discuss working days of the week
· Discuss number of hours worked per day (Lunch time and breaks must be explained, in one word discuss the business culture within the country)
· The country time zone (explain time zone differences)
· Discuss Literacy rate within the country (male versus female)
· Discuss the official or business language
· Discuss TV and Radio ownership per person
· Country GDP and Per capita GDP
· Average income
· Country main economic resources
· Imports/Exports
· Import partners
· Export partners
· Discuss health care situation within the country (how many patients per doctor? How many hospital beds are available to the patients’ etc.?)
· Discuss the exchange rate (example: $1=?)
· How many people are living in the urban versus rural areas?
· Discuss the country’s infrastructures: Number of airports paved/unpaved; road paved kilometers; waterway kilometers; Railroad, etc