Art Gallery: Critique For Unit V of the art gallery presentation you will again be adding to your PowerPoint presentation. For this segment you will be adding a critique of your gallery pieces and explaining how and if they fit into each of the art criticism theories discussed in this course. Begin by reviewing your Unit IV feedback and making any necessary revisions. Next research the three art criticism theories listed in Chapter 5 of your textbook and the Unit V Lesson. Be sure to use APA format. Use the template slides labeled Art Criticism Theories. Complete three (3) slides one for each of the art criticism theories: formal contextual and expressive For each slide address the following: Describe the art criticism theory. Tell why you feel this theory is the best fit for the artwork. Tell how the theory explains one of your gallery artworks. Explain how the purpose and structure of the work relate to this theory. Please submit your full presentation thus far which should include the previous updated segments and the segment for this unit.

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