Unit 3 Safety

    Question 1       


    1. Compare  and contrast the different types of tribometers. In your opinion which  of the tribometers best represents the slip resistance of a surface?

      Your essay should be at least 100 words in length.    Arial3 (12pt)ParagraphFont familyFont sizePath: pWords:0       

    20 points   

                Question 2       


    1. You  have a production area where ten welders are producing small parts  using MIG welding on mild steel for eight hours each day. There is a  general "haze" visibly present, which increases throughout the work day.  What type ventilation system would you recommend for the operation?  Which factors associated with the contaminant(s) produced by the welding  operation would you consider in choosing the ventilation system? How  would you evaluate the effectiveness of any ventilation system you  installed?

      Your essay should be at least 100 words in length.    Arial3 (12pt)ParagraphFont familyFont sizePath: pWords:0       

    20 points   

                Question 3       


    1. Describe the Life Safety Code, and include how it relates to egress and emergency evacuation.

      Your essay should be at least 100 words in length.    Arial3 (12pt)ParagraphFont familyFont sizePath: pWords:0       

    20 points   

                Question 4       


    1. The  Heat Stress Index (HSI) uses the terms O (Oxygen required), M  (Metabolism), R (Radiation) C (Convection), and E (Evaporation). Compare  and contrast the terms. Provide an example of a control method that you  believe would be effective in controlling heat stress related to each  of the terms M, R, C, and E.

      Your essay should be at least 100 words in length.    Arial3 (12pt)ParagraphFont familyFont sizePath: pWords:0       

    20 points   

                Question 5       


    1. Compare  and contrast the different types of barriers that might be used to  protect openings in a floor at a production facility. What factors  should an engineer take into account when designing one of these  barriers? In your opinion, which type barrier would be most appropriate  for an opening between all four floors of a facility that is designed to  move material between floors using a crane located on the top floor?

      Your essay should be at least 100 words in length.

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