unit 2 math

    One of the most important things you will learn in Unit 2 is order of operations. You may not usually think about it, but most of what you do in life is done in a certain order. What would happen if you put your shoes on and then your socks? It seems comical, but you do things in a certain order for a reason. The same thing is true in math. The order of operations will tell you how expressions should be simplified so that you always complete them in the same order. On the Unit 2 Discussion Board, you will investigate the order of operations. This Discussion topic has multiple parts.

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    One of the most important things you will learn in Unit 2 is order of operations. You may not usually think about it, but most of what you do in life is done in a certain order. What would happen if you put your shoes on and then your socks? It seems comical, but you do things in a certain order for a reason. The same thing is true in math. The order of operations will tell you how expressions should be simplified so that you always complete them in the same order. On the Unit 2 Discussion Board, you will investigate the order of operations. This Discussion topic has multiple parts. Please read and complete each part. Original Response
    1. Describe the order of operations and explain how it is used to simplify expressions. Explain specifically the order in which mathematical operations must be performed to correctly simplify an expression.   2. Provide an example of a real life situation where a specific order of steps is necessary for a proper end result. What will happen if the proper order is not followed? (Humor and creativity are encouraged.)  3. Develop an original mathematical expression which must be simplified using order of operations. Include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, an exponent, and at least one set of parentheses. Simplify the expression incorrectly, showing each step as you simplify. You do not have to include the reasons for each step.  
    First Response to a Classmate  Find a classmate’s incorrectly simplified expression that has NOT already been corrected by a classmate. Simplify the expression correctly explaining each step. Identify the error, or errors, made.
    Second Response to a Classmate  Find and comment on at least one classmate’s correction of an expression. Make sure your comments are substantive and advance the Discussion. If the expression is not simplified correctly, tactfully identify the error and simplify the expression correctly.
    Student 1 Response
    1. The order of operations is a system that was developed to…


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