Understanding & Researching Consumer Buyer Behaviour.



    “Impulse purchases do not conform to the rational planned decision making
    perspective in consumer buyer behaviour. Instead it is a highly complex
    emotional and reactive goal process. Discuss the nature of impulse purchasing
    patterns and evaluate how an understanding of impulse purchasing patterns can
    be incorporated into marketing campaigns and strategies. Illustrate your

    essay instructions:

    You are a marketing consultants specialising in consumer buyer behaviour. You
    have been asked by a client to write an essay on the above topic. They have
    specifically asked that you address the following –

    • Outline the key consumer psychology and buying behaviour theory/ies/concept/s
    being addressed.

    • Draw conclusions from the academic journal article/s and relate them to the
    main theory (The rationale for this is for students to familiarise themselves
    with academic journal articles and to appreciate journal articles as sources of
    information for consumer and buyer behaviour research and concepts.)

    • You must show how the article/s relates to the main key theory/concept

    • You are required to use at least two of the journal articles listed in the
    given topic (but must also research more) & must still show the link to the
    main key theory/concept). The list can be found on weblearn

    • Discuss the applications and marketing managerial implications of consumer
    buyer behaviour theory/is and journal articles to marketing activities (e.g.
    give real practical examples of the concept and theory). This includes what
    companies have done with their marketing mixes to illustrate the use and
    understanding of the concept /theories.

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