U.S. Supreme Court

    2 page paper on a U.S. Supreme Court case of your choosing.
    It must be from the time span of 1865 through present day.

    It does not have to be a landmark case such as Dred Scott v. Sanford or Brown v.
    The Board of Education. It can be any U.S. Supreme Court case; you might want to research one for the year you were born (1989).

    What is required:
    • Arial font size 12, double spaced, MLA style format.
    • No specific number of sources, but do not use Wikipedia. You do not need citations in the essay, but you do need a MLA style work cited page.
    • Give the name of the court case and the year it was decided. (must be U.S. Supreme Court case, not state level Supreme Court case)
    • Summarize the reasoning behind the case and how it got to the U.S. Supreme Court.
    • Examine the ruling of the case. (Explain outcome, Discuss the justices’ opinions on the case, Explain any dissenting opinion if any)
    • Have there been any other similar court cases on this matter?

    – Writer must provide with links to the court cases or the materials used for this essay

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