• The country you are analyzing should be identified and key descriptive information such as current or recent population, population growth, income or income per capita, land area and density, major cities, location, language(s), life expectancy, or other key characteristics you see as important in describing this country should be identified.
• Key economic characteristics such as the size of the economy, its growth rate, inflation, unemployment, or other important characteristics should be given and compared to a benchmark such as the U.S. or the World.
• Key descriptions of commerce should be provided. These might include total exports and imports, the trade deficit or surplus, major trading partners, key commodities imported or exported with either the world or the U.S., and other trade factors.
• Two or more key issues that have either historically shaped the nation or remain significant factors that will face the nation in the future. These might include geopolitical conflict, resource use or scarcity, civil war, technological issues, infrastructure issues, education or health, or many others. These should be explained briefly but thoroughly.
• Your outlook for the country moving forward should be included. This should comprise of a broad economic forecast one or more years forward and might include one or more variable such as GDP, population, or others. Your forecast should be supported with well thought out justifications.
• Include a bibliography with at least 3 sources. APA format should be used.
(Identified the country, provide basic descriptive statistics such as population, health, geography, and others.)
Economic Review
(Describe key characteristics such as GDP, economic growth, inflation, unemployment and others.)
(Describe trade position, key goods traded, trading partners, and others.)
Key Issues
Two or more key issues that have shaped or are shaping this country are identified and described.
(A one year prediction as to where this economy is headed is clearly and explicitly provided and justified.)
Organization and flow
(The paper should follow an outline and be logically organized and easy to follow.)
Visual aid/supporting material
(An original graph with 10 years of data is included.) 15
Paper length, grammar, and other mechanics 10
(The paper should be 1,000 to 1,500 words (3 to 5 pages) and should be proofread and spell-checked.)
Late penalty
Total 100
Please find some possible resources below. You are not limited to these, but I think you will find some valuable information here.
CIA’s World Fact Book:
CQ Global Researcher:
(See http://www.tcc.edu/welcome/collegeadmin/gov/glc/learningmodules/CQGlobalResearcher.wmvfor a tutorial).
U.S. Census Bureau’l s Foreign Trade Statistics:
U.S. Statistical Abstract:
World Bank:
http://data.worldbank.org/or http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/world-development-indicators
http://www.oecd.org/department/0,3355,en_2649_33715_1_1_1_1_1,00.htmlor http://www.theworldeconomy.org/statistics.htm
Dismal Scientist:
United Nations:
The Economist:
http://www.economist.com/or http://www.economist.com/theworldin/2011