Two kinds of TR text (e.g. formal letters ‘identify the kind’, editorials, instructional manuals Custom Paper

    You have studied several forms of technical writings (TR) texts. Choose two kinds of TR text (e.g. formal letters ‘identify the kind’, editorials, instructional manuals, etc) and identify their characteristics. Talk about the format, style, language, audience, purpose, message etc. Although it is permissible to consult the uploaded materials or any others, you need to use your own language to describe the selected forms. Note this is a theoretical question; you don’t need to talk about a specific text, but general information of what the selected type of texts should look like in terms of the above criteria. Reference materials for TR types are found on the additional files uploaded.
    Question Two:

    Write a memo to me suggesting ideas to improve the course materials, ways of teaching, feedback, personal reflection, etc; these are details as flows:
    • Reflect upon the work that you have done for the course, course materials, me and class discussions, and what you have learnt as a result of this work.
    • Highlight aspects of course content and materials (new concepts and knowledge and frameworks for analysis, topics, issues etc.) which you found particularly interesting and relevant from the perspective of intellectual and academic growth.
    • Talk about your own experience and how you benefited from the course at personal and academic levels, and provide suggestions where you find the course needs some improvements. You need to have a special paragraph for each of these points together with an introduction and a conclusion.

    Write an editorial for a university circular (paper), following these directions:
    • Your audience includes AlFaisal University staff, students, and potentially parents.
    • The paper you are writing to is concerned with students’ matters, activities, news, academics, etc.
    • (Optional) the topic of the editorial might be commentary on the end-of-the-year graduation ceremony; you are among those graduates, directed our editorial to address you past experience in the university, address (your junior colleagues, staff, parents, etc).

    • Maintain the language, style, format of ‘editorials’; consult the provided example on the additional uploaded files.

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