Twilight Years

    Please write a short essay (4-5 pages) on the following question. Answer all parts of the question.
    In class, we have examined a number of different representations of the elderly as Other in literature. Diary of a Mad Old Man (Tanizaki, 1961), Twilight Years (Ariyoshi, 1972) are works that creatively explore old age as a process of losing one’s identity (through cognitive and/or physical decline).
    Compare how they represent the elderly as Other in terms of the plot (story) format. What are the similarities and differences in the ways in which these works create these Others? By bringing in issues of mental or physical change, as well as other taboo topics (such as sexuality in old age), do these works create identifiable, sympathetic characters, or inversely, do they further make old people into alien Others for readers/viewers? How do the relationships between the older generation and the younger generation in the works influence this portrayal (sympathetic or alien)? What is the overall message of these texts/film with regard to old age? Provide concrete analyses to back up your argument. Do not generalize or provide excessive plot summary but give key, specific examples to illustrate your point.

    This is a close reading assignment. Please do not use outside resources. You may only use resources that were part of the reading . (When citing from the fictional works or assigned articles please make sure to include page numbers. Not having page numbers may lead to grade reduction.)
    –You should NOT give extensive plot summaries.
    –Make sure your paper has a clear, concise thesis statement.
    –Provide concrete evidence from the texts to back up your argument. Don’t generalize.
    –Address all the questions asked.
    –Organize your evidence in logical order.
    –Proofread and doublecheck for errors in spelling, grammar, style and word choice.

    I still have no idea to download any ebooks online, what I only have is the paper book, I’m sorry about it. I attach the link about the descroption of those two books. Hope you could find out the books in library or online. Sorry about it.

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