twentieth-century French philosopher

    twentieth-century French philosopher

    The twentieth-century French philosopher, political thinker, and historian Raymond Aron once described his life as having been lived during “The Century of Total War.” Comment on his statement in light of what you have read in Marks, The Origins of the Modern World, A Global and Ecological Narrative from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-first Century, Second Edition, Grayzel, The First World War, A Brief History with Documents, McDonough, Hitler and Nazi Germany, and Foer, How Soccer Explains the World, An Unlikely Theory of Globalization. In formulating your response, you must take direct quotes from each of the 4 books. You are to attribute your source in the following manner: “…xxxxxxx” (Marks 56) or (Grayzel 75) or McDonough (83), or Foer (156). You must have quotes from each of the books in order to support your position/interpretation which is not the same as your opinion. For purposes of this essay, you are to consider the long 20th Century, that is, from 1900-2012. Your essay must be typed, double-spaced, 12 point only, 1” margins all around.

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