
    Running head: NUTRITION 1


    Name: Samikshya Timilsena

    Class: NFS234301

    Date: 03/31/2022

    Product Paper

    Nutritious Milk Shake


    Nutrition is important for all the population and demands for an important attention to make sure that everyone is healthy and have all the recommended nutrients. Working in a school environment has contributed to my interaction with children that have their daily snacks and out of curiosity tried to look into the type of products that most of them are consuming. I got to understand that 80% of the children were having the kind frozen smoothie bowl and the children love the product due to its best packaging and sweet taste of the fruit flavors that are used that range from banana, raspberry, blackberry, acai and almond (Eda et al., 2017). The kind frozen smoothie bowl is the currently used product as a snack for the kids as their breakfast. The needs that are lacking in the current product is the vitamin D, folic acid, vitamin A, calcium and iron that falls under the necessity for children since they are in their developmental stage and need to develop strong bones, teeth and muscles.


    The paper targets in the development of the fortified milkshake product targeting school-going children as their breakfast. The milkshake is fortified with the vitamin D, vitamin A, folic acid, calcium and iron for the purpose of helping the children in their developing stage to have strong bonds, teeth and muscle development. The product brand is Nutritious Joyous Milkshake.

    It can feel like an uphill task to get kids to consume healthful foods. It is more difficult to make a child take nutritious foods like the leafy ones which are healthier. However, a child's nutrition is extremely crucial. Do not give in and let them live off of fast food and sugary drinks and treats. It is all worth it in the end. Everyone, regardless of age, should eat nutritious foods to avoid obesity and lifestyle diseases. Proper nutrition is essential for your children's health and development. Healthy eating habits and nutritional information may be instilled in your child early on in life with the right nutrition for children. Help your children develop healthy eating habits by teaching them about the importance of excellent nutrition. It is easier to get your child enthused about eating healthily if he understands the basics of nutrition. There is the need for awareness and education of the parents about the nutrition of their children and consider watching what their children are eating because they have detrimental impact in their old age (Mayo Clinic, 2021). Parents should take the responsibility of making sure that they understand the composition of the food that the child took during the day and ensure that there is a balanced diet and junky food are avoided for a good healthy.

    The body's calcium and phosphate levels are regulated in part by vitamin D. The nutrient is taken by children to keep their teeth and muscles healthy. Vitamin D deficiency can result in rickets in children and osteomalacia, a disorder that causes bone discomfort in adults. Taking a daily vitamin D pill is recommended by the government for everyone in the autumn and winter (Gavin, 2021). Children are in a stage that require the nutrients like calcium and iron for the purpose of the development of strong bones, muscles and teeth. Iron is needed in children development because it helps in moving oxygen from the lungs to the rest part of the body (Mayo Clinic, 2021). Additionally, iron makes the child’s muscles to store and use the oxygen. The body has no ability of developing its own iron and require iron to be taken as supplements and sourced from foods. Children requires the vitamin D in their bodies that play an important role as the prohormone that helps in the calcium absorption (Iannelli, 2021). Children need food that is rich with all the nutrients that include the vitamin A that plays a huge part in eye vision (Gavin, 2021). The high intake of the vitamin A makes an individual have the ability to differential different colors and also have a good night vision. Additionally, vitamin A is important in the body of a child in building a strong immune against infections. Folic acid is another nutrient that is needed in a child development and it helps in assisting in the development of internal organs that were not fully developed during the 12 weeks pregnancy. The folic acid is also important in the process of the prevention of the neural tube defects.

    My product that is “Nutritious Joyous Milkshake” is a fortified and flavored milkshake that would replace the kind frozen smoothie bowl, and this is the reason to why it is necessary to have it in place in providing additional nutrients that the previous product was not offering. The addition of iron, calcium, folic acid, vitamin D and vitamin A into the milkshake product is done through the fortification process. Fortification is a process which is a practice of adding vitamins and minerals to a consumed food product that initially lack the components and it is done during processing state to increase its nutritional value (Olson et al., 2021). The nutrients are incorporated into the milkshake product through fortification process that occurs during the processing of the product where it is intentionally added the five mentioned nutrients in the right quantities as needed by the children. The process is much paramount and targets on adding the nutritional value to the milkshake and this happen that the right amounts are added assuring the customers that the product is nutritious, and the children needs for body development is present in the product for their breakfast (Mayo Clinic, 2021). The process of developing the Nutritious Joyous Milkshake is just done like the other milkshake but for this different flavor that is mango, strawberry and blackberry flavors would be available and have additional nutrients that include folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium and iron. The milkshake would be more nutritious as the common milkshake and it would be stored frozen to protect its quality. The product would serve the children best because the added nutrients have been shown to be of much value to them and educating them about the new product and value it adds to their bodies would result to more sales.


    The Nutritious Joyous Milkshake that is a fortified milkshake would address the needs of the children that are currently using the kind frozen smoothie bowl that lacks the main nutrients that include the folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D. The fortified milkshake will be having the five nutrients that are added through fortification process and this is done when processing the product. The product ensure that the children are getting majority of the needed nutrients that is significant for their body development especially for bone, teeth and muscle development (Olson et al., 2021). The fortified milkshake is better than the kind frozen smoothie bowl because it adds the five nutrients that adds the value needed by the children’s’ bodies during development. The challenges that might come in using the product is that the more the product it stays refrigerated the more nutrients are depleted and this demands that demand should be high to reduce the stay after production.


    Eda, K., Aylin, A., Ozge, K., & Naile, B. (2017). Nutritional status in school children: Deficiencies in iron, folic acid and Vitamin B12. Scientific Research And Essays6(21), 4604-4610.

    Gavin, M. (2021). Vitamins (for Kids) – Nemours KidsHealth. Kidshealth.org. Retrieved 30 March 2022, from .

    Iannelli, V. (2021). How Much Calcium Do Kids Need?. Verywell Family. Retrieved 30 March 2022, from .

    Mayo Clinic. (2021). Iron deficiency in children: Prevention tips for parents. Mayo clinic. Retrieved 30 March 2022, from

    Olson, R., Gavin-Smith, B., Ferraboschi, C., & Kraemer, K. (2021). Food Fortification: The Advantages, Disadvantages and Lessons from Sight and Life Programs. Nutrients13(4), 1118. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13041118

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