

    A book opinion of Tuchman, Barbara W. The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam Ballantine Books, 1985. Do not do a book Review!!!
    The instructor is looking for my opinion of, and reaction to, the book itself. You certainly don’t have to like the book – this is your opinion, after all. You may consider some or all of the following questions to provide material for these essays, but it is not necessary to answer any of them when writing the essay:

    Did you find the book easy or hard to read, and why?

    What aspects of the book did you enjoy / dislike, and why?

    Do you think the author provided adequate support for his thesis/arguments?

    Was there anything that you felt should have been included in the book but wasn’t? Was there material in the book that you felt was unnecessary? Be careful about this one – don’t confuse your own interests with the author’s. If the author explicitly states that they will not cover “X”, then don’t say “This book was bad because it didn’t talk about ‘X’”. You could say “I would have liked to see a discussion of ‘X’, but I realize it was outside the scope of the author’s stated goals for the book.”

    What did you learn from it? What do you feel was the most important idea or concept you gained from reading the book?

    In what ways did this book increase your understanding of the overall class subject?

    Do you think the book could have been improved? If so, what improvements would you suggest?

    Does the book agree or disagree with other books or material you have read on this subject? If so, in what ways, and which do you feel are the correct interpretations of events?

    I do NOT want you to turn the essay into a “question and answer” sort of thing, where you take each of the above questions and write a short bit about it. These questions are merely intended to give you an idea of some of the ways you can approach the essay.

    You are not limited to the above questions – if you can come up with other methods of expressing your opinion of the book, feel free to use them. It is also important to note that you are not required to like the book, but merely to explain your reaction to it, and why you felt that way. However, “I didn’t like it because it was too long.” sounds much less mature than “I felt the author repeated himself quite a bit, making the book much longer than it needed to be.” Likewise, “It was boring because it didn’t have enough pictures.” is not nearly as incisive as “I would have enjoyed the book more if it had more pictures in it.”

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